Neera K. Badhwar

University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States 
"Neera Badhwar"
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Badhwar NK. (2018) Objectivity and Subjectivity in Theories of Well-Being Philosophy and Public Policy Quarterly. 32: 23-28
Badhwar NK. (2016) Justice Within The Limits Of Human Nature Alone Social Philosophy & Policy. 33: 193-213
Badhwar NK. (2016) Comments on In Praise of Desire Journal of Value Inquiry. 50: 433-437
Badhwar NK. (2014) Well-Being: Happiness in a Worthwhile Life Well-Being: Happiness in a Worthwhile Life. 1-264
Badhwar NK. (2009) The milgram experiments, learned helplessness, and character traits Journal of Ethics. 13: 257-289
Badhwar NK. (2006) International aid: When giving becomes a vice Justice and Global Politics. 69-101
Badhwar NK. (1997) Self-interest and virtue Social Philosophy and Policy. 14: 226-262
Badhwar NK. (1996) Moral agency, commitment, and impartiality Social Philosophy and Policy. 13: 1-25
Badhwar NK. (1987) Friends as Ends in Themselves Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 48: 1
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