Robert I. Urofsky, Ph.D.

2000 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
Guidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Philosophy
"Robert Urofsky"


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Claudia J. Sowa grad student 2000 UVA
 (An exploration of counseling ethics: A qualitative study.)
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Urofsky RI. (2013) The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs: Promoting quality in counselor education Journal of Counseling and Development. 91: 6-14
Urofsky RI, Bobby CL, Ritchie M. (2013) Introduction to the special section Journal of Counseling and Development. 91: 3-5
Urofsky RI, Engels DW, Engebretson K. (2008) Kitchener's principle ethics: Implications for counseling practice and research Counseling and Values. 53: 67-78
Urofsky RI, Engels DW. (2003) Issues and Insights: Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, and Counseling Ethics: Not an Abstraction Counseling and Values. 47: 118-130
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