James F. Bohman

Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO, United States 
"James Bohman"
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Bohman J. (2016) From Self-Legislation to Self-Determination: Democracy and the New Circumstances of Global Politics Critical Horizons. 17: 123-134
Bohman J. (2015) Domination, global harms, and the problem of silent citizenship: toward a republican theory of global justice Citizenship Studies. 19: 520-534
Bohman J. (2012) Jus Post Bellum as a Deliberative Process: Transnationalising Peace-Building: Irish Journal of Sociology. 20: 10-27
Bohman J. (2012) Critical Theory, Republicanism, and the Priority of Injustice: Transnational Republicanism as a Nonideal Theory Journal of Social Philosophy. 43: 97-112
Bohman J. (2012) Domination, Epistemic Injustice and Republican Epistemology Social Epistemology. 26: 175-187
Bohman J. (2010) A response to my critics: Democracy across Borders Ethics & Global Politics. 3: 71-84
Bohman J. (2010) Introducing Democracy across Borders: from dêmos to dêmoi Ethics & Global Politics. 3: 1-11
Bohman J. (2010) Hegel’s Political Anti-Cosmopolitanism: On the Limits of Modern Political Communities Southern Journal of Philosophy. 39: 65-92
Mansbridge J, Bohman J, Chambers S, et al. (2010) The Place of Self‐Interest and the Role of Power in Deliberative Democracy* Journal of Political Philosophy. 18: 64-100
Bohman J. (2010) Is Hegel a Republican? Pippin, Recognition, and Domination in the Philosophy of Right Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines. 53: 435-449
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