Harold Langsam
Affiliations: | University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA |
"Harold Langsam"Children
Sign in to add traineeCharles K. Arinder | grad student | 2005 | UVA |
Jason L. Megill | grad student | 2008 | UVA |
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Langsam H. (2020) McDowell’s infallibilism and the nature of knowledge Synthese. 1-15 |
Langsam H. (2020) Why Intentionalism Cannot Explain Phenomenal Character Erkenntnis. 85: 1-15 |
Langsam H. (2017) The intuitive case for naïve realism Philosophical Explorations. 20: 106-122 |
Langsam H. (2008) Rationality, justification, and the internalism/externalism debate Erkenntnis. 68: 79-101 |
Langsam H. (2006) Why I believe in an external world Metaphilosophy. 37: 652-672 |
Langsam H. (2002) Consciousness, experience, and justification Canadian Journal of Philosophy. 32: 1-28 |
Langsam H. (2001) Strategy for Dualism Metaphilosophy. 32: 395-418 |
Langsam H. (2000) Kant's compatibilism and his two conceptions of truth Pacific Philosophical Quarterly. 81: 164-188 |
Langsam H. (2000) Why colours do look like dispositions Philosophical Quarterly. 50 |
Langsam H. (2000) Experiences, thoughts, and qualia Philosophical Studies. 99: 269-295 |