Baolin Yu, Ph.D.

2013 Civil Engineering Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
Civil Engineering
"Baolin Yu"


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Venkatesh Kodur grad student 2013 Michigan State
 (Fire response of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with near-surface mounted FRP reinforcement.)
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Kodur VKR, Yu B, Solhmirzaei R. (2017) A simplified approach for predicting temperatures in insulated RC members exposed to standard fire Fire Safety Journal. 92: 80-90
Kodur VKR, Yu B. (2016) Rational Approach for Evaluating Fire Resistance of FRP-Strengthened Concrete Beams Journal of Composites For Construction. 20: 4016041
Yu B, Kodur V. (2014) Effect of temperature on strength and stiffness properties of near-surface mounted FRP reinforcement Composites Part B-Engineering. 58: 510-517
Kodur VKR, Yu B. (2013) Evaluating the Fire Response of Concrete Beams Strengthened with Near-Surface-Mounted FRP Reinforcement Journal of Composites For Construction. 17: 517-529
Kodur VKR, Yu B, Dwaikat MMS. (2013) A simplified approach for predicting temperature in reinforced concrete members exposed to standard fire Fire Safety Journal. 56: 39-51
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