Anjan Chakravartty

History and Philosophy of Science and Technology University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Philosophy of Science, Philosophy, Epistemology
"Anjan Chakravartty"
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Chakravartty A. (2019) Physics, metaphysics, dispositions, and symmetries - À la French. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. 74: 10-15
Chakravartty A, Fraassen BCV. (2018) What is Scientific Realism Spontaneous Generations: a Journal For the History and Philosophy of Science. 9: 12-25
Chakravartty A. (2017) Inferência metafísica e a experiência do observável Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology. 21: 189-207
Chakravartty A. (2017) Reflections on new thinking about scientific realism Synthese. 194: 3379-3392
Chakravartty A. (2015) Suspension of belief and epistemologies of science International Journal For the Study of Skepticism. 5: 168-192
Chakravartty A. (2015) Introduction: Ancient skepticism, voluntarism, and science International Journal For the Study of Skepticism. 5: 73-79
Chakravartty A. (2015) Particles, causation, and the metaphysics of structure Synthese
Chakravartty A. (2013) On the Prospects of Naturalized Metaphysics Scientific Metaphysics
Chakravartty A. (2013) Realism in the Desert and in the Jungle: Reply to French, Ghins, and Psillos Erkenntnis. 78: 39-58
Chakravartty A. (2011) Scientific Realism and Ontological Relativity The Monist. 94: 157-180
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