Susan Sherwin

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 
Philosophy, General
"Susan Sherwin"
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Baylis F, Kenny NP, Sherwin S. (2008) A Relational Account of Public Health Ethics Public Health Ethics. 1: 196-209
Sherwin S. (2001) Feminist ethics and the metaphor of AIDS Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. 26: 343-364
Sherwin S. (1994) Women in clinical studies: a feminist view. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. 3: 533-538
Meilaender G, Sherwin S, Holmes HB, et al. (1993) A Feminist Medical Ethics Hastings Center Report. 23: 43-44
Sherwin S. (1991) Abortion through a feminist ethics lens. Dialogue. 30: 327-42
Sherwin S. (1989) Feminist and medical ethics: two different approaches to contextual ethics. Hypatia. 4: 57-72
Veatch RM, Beauchamp TL, Walters L, et al. (1978) Medical Ethics Anthologies: Alternatives for Teaching@@@Contemporary Issues in Bioethics@@@Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine@@@Ethics in Medicine: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Concerns@@@Readings in Bioethics@@@Moral Problems in Medicine Hastings Center Report. 8: 14
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