Robert A. Beauregard

New School University, New York, NY, United States 
Urban and Regional Planning, Philosophy, Public Administration
"Robert Beauregard"
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Beauregard RA. (2020) From the Ground Up: Cities, States, Nation: Journal of Urban History. 46: 938-942
Beauregard RA. (2020) Alan Mallach 2018: The Divided City: Poverty and Prosperity in America. Washington, DC: Island Press International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 44: 551-552
Beauregard R. (2019) Richard Sennett 2018: Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City. London: Penguin Books International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 43: 605-606
Hirt S, Beauregard R. (2019) Must shrinking cities be distressed cities? A historical and conceptual critique International Planning Studies. 1-13
Beauregard R. (2018) Book review: Seeing Like a City: Urban Studies. 55: 938-940
Beauregard R. (2018) Brian Tochterman. The Dying City: Postwar New York and the Ideology of Fear; Jamin Creed Rowan. The Sociable City: An American Intellectual Tradition. The American Historical Review. 123: 612-613
Beauregard RA. (2017) Richard Florida 2017: The New Urban Crisis: How Our Cities are Increasing Inequality, Deepening Segregation, and Failing the Middle Class -- and What We Can Do About It. New York: Basic Books. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 41: 1028-1029
Beauregard RA. (2016) James M. Lindgren 2014: Preserving South Street Seaport: The Dream and Reality of a New York Urban Renewal District. New York: New York University Press International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 40: 709-711
Beauregard RA. (2015) We Blame the Building! The Architecture of Distributed Responsibility International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 39: 533-549
Beauregard RA. (2013) Roger Biles 2011 : The Fate of Cities: Urban America and the Federal Government, 1945–2000 . Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas . Chester Hartman and Gregory D. Squires (eds.) 2010 : The Integration Debate: Competing Futures for American Cities . New York : Routledge International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 37: 1852-1856
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