John P. Christman

Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
Philosophy, Theory and Methods
"John Christman"
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Christman J. (2020) The contested history of autonomy: Interpreting European modernity. By Gerard Rosich. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. Constellations
Christman J. (2014) Relational Autonomy and the Social Dynamics of Paternalism Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. 17: 369-382
Christman J. (2009) Autonomy, Recognition, and Social Dislocation Analyse and Kritik. 31
Christman J. (2007) Book ReviewsRichard Flathman, .Pluralism and Liberal Democracy.Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. Pp. xii+218. $40.00 (cloth). Ethics. 117: 348-352
Christman J. (2005) Saving Positive Freedom Political Theory. 33: 79-88
Christman J. (2005) Caring for property: comments on Susan Smith's “States, markets and an ethic of care” Political Geography. 24: 21-27
Christman J. (2004) Narrative Unity as a Condition of Personhood Metaphilosophy. 35: 695-713
Christman J. (1991) Self-ownership, Equality, and the Structure of Property Rights: Political Theory. 19: 28-46
Christman J. (1991) Liberalism and Individual Positive Freedom Ethics. 101: 343-359
Christman J. (1991) Autonomy and Personal History Canadian Journal of Philosophy. 21: 1-24
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