August W. Bosse, Ph.D.

University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States
condensed matter physics, complex fluids, polymers
"August Bosse"
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Philip Pincus grad student 2006 UC Santa Barbara
 (Simulations of microdomain lattice defects in block copolymer thin films.)
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Gu K, Snyder CR, Onorato J, et al. (2018) Assessing the Huang-Brown Description of Tie Chains for Charge Transport in Conjugated Polymers. Acs Macro Letters. 7: 1333-1338
Gu K, Snyder CR, Onorato J, et al. (2018) Assessing the Huang–Brown Description of Tie Chains for Charge Transport in Conjugated Polymers Acs Macro Letters. 7: 1333-1338
Bosse AW, Douglas JF. (2015) The osmotic virial formulation of the free energy of polymer mixing. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 143: 104903
Bosse AW, Lin EK. (2015) Polymer physics and the materials genome initiative Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics. 53: 89
Perera GM, Wang C, Doxastakis M, et al. (2012) Directed Self-Assembly of Lamellar Copolymers: Effects of Interfacial Interactions on Domain Shape. Acs Macro Letters. 1: 1244-1248
Bosse AW. (2012) Thermal composition fluctuations in an ordered lamellar mesophase. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 85: 042801
Perera GM, Wang C, Doxastakis M, et al. (2012) Directed self-assembly of lamellar copolymers: Effects of interfacial interactions on domain shape Acs Macro Letters. 1: 1244-1248
Bosse AW. (2011) Modeling the power spectrum of thermal line edge roughness in a lamellar diblock copolymer mesophase Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B:Nanotechnology and Microelectronics. 29
Bosse AW. (2011) Effects of segregation strength and an external field on the thermal line edge and line width roughness spectra of a diblock copolymer resist Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B:Nanotechnology and Microelectronics. 29
Bosse AW. (2010) Phase-field simulation of long-wavelength line edge roughness in diblock copolymer resistsa Macromolecular Theory and Simulations. 19: 399-406
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