Julio H. Toloza, Ph.D.

2005-2008 Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México, Mexico 
 2008- National Scientific and Technical Research Council (Argentina) 
 2011- Ingeniería Electrónica Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Argentina) 
Mathematical Physics
"Julio Toloza"
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George A. Hagedorn grad student 2002 Virginia Tech
 (Exponentially accurate error estimates of quasiclassical eigenvalues.)


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Luis O. Silva collaborator 2005- UNAM
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Toloza JH, Uribe A. (2020) Oversampling and aliasing in de Branges spaces arising from Bessel operators Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 492: 124428
Silva LO, Toloza JH. (2019) Selfadjoint extensions of the multiplication operator in de Branges spaces as singular rank-one perturbations Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations. 64: 1477-1499
Silva LO, Toloza JH, Uribe A. (2019) Oversampling and Undersampling in de Branges Spaces Arising from Regular Schrödinger Operators Complex Analysis and Operator Theory. 13: 2303-2324
Kostenko A, Teschl G, Toloza JH. (2016) Dispersion Estimates for Spherical Schrödinger Equations Annales Henri Poincare. 1-30
Silva LO, Teschl G, Toloza JH. (2015) Singular Schrödinger operators as self-adjoint extensions of N-entire operators Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 143: 2103-2115
Silva LO, Toloza JH. (2015) On dB spaces with nondensely defined multiplication operator and the existence of zero-free functions Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 421: 996-1005
Silva LO, Toloza JH. (2013) The class of n-entire operators Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and Theoretical. 46
Silva LO, Toloza JH. (2013) A Class of {Mathematical expression}-Entire Schrödinger operators Complex Analysis and Operator Theory. 1-19
Pont FM, Osenda O, Toloza JH, et al. (2010) Entropy, fidelity, and double orthogonality for resonance states in two-electron quantum dots Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 81
Silva LO, Toloza JH. (2010) On the spectral characterization of entire operators with deficiency indices (1, 1) Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 367: 360-373
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