Christopher M. Danforth, Ph.D.

2006 University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
"Christopher Danforth"
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James Yorke grad student 2006 University of Maryland
 (Making forecasts for chaotic processes in the presence of model error.)
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Gray TJ, Danforth CM, Dodds PS. (2020) Hahahahaha, Duuuuude, Yeeessss!: A two-parameter characterization of stretchable words and the dynamics of mistypings and misspellings. Plos One. 15: e0232938
Dewhurst DR, Danforth CM, Dodds PS. (2020) Noncooperative dynamics in election interference. Physical Review. E. 101: 022307
Dewhurst DR, Alshaabi T, Kiley D, et al. (2020) The shocklet transform: a decomposition method for the identification of local, mechanism-driven dynamics in sociotechnical time series Epj Data Science. 9
Niles MT, Emery BF, Reagan AJ, et al. (2019) Social media usage patterns during natural hazards. Plos One. 14: e0210484
Gray TJ, Reagan AJ, Dodds PS, et al. (2018) English verb regularization in books and tweets. Plos One. 13: e0209651
Dewhurst DR, Danforth CM, Dodds PS. (2018) Continuum rich-get-richer processes: Mean field analysis with an application to firm size. Physical Review. E. 97: 062317
Reagan AJ, Danforth CM, Tivnan B, et al. (2017) Sentiment analysis methods for understanding large-scale texts: a case for using continuum-scored words and word shift graphs Epj Data Science. 6
Pechenick EA, Danforth CM, Dodds PS. (2017) Is language evolution grinding to a halt? The scaling of lexical turbulence in English fiction suggests it is not Journal of Computational Science. 21: 24-37
Ibrahim M, Danforth CM, Dodds PS. (2017) Connecting every bit of knowledge: The structure of Wikipedia's First Link Network Journal of Computational Science. 19: 21-30
Dodds PS, Mitchell L, Reagan AJ, et al. (2016) Tracking Climate Change through the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Teletherms, the Statistically Hottest and Coldest Days of the Year. Plos One. 11: e0154184
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