Hannah E. Ross, Ph.D.

2007 Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
Geophysics, Biogeochemistry, Mining Engineering
"Hannah Ross"
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Mark D. Zoback grad student 2007 Stanford
 (Carbon dioxide sequestration and enhanced coalbed methane recovery in unmineable coalbeds of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming.)
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Ross HE, Hagin P, Zoback MD. (2009) CO2 storage and enhanced coalbed methane recovery: Reservoir characterization and fluid flow simulations of the Big George coal, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, USA International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 3: 773-786
Ross HE, Zoback MD. (2008) Sub-hydrostatic pore pressure in coalbed and sand aquifers of the powder River basin, Wyoming and Montana, and implications for disposal of coalbed-methane-produced water through injection Rocky Mountain Geology. 43: 155-169
Ross HE, Blakely RJ, Zoback MD. (2006) Testing the use of aeromagnetic data for the determination of Curie depth in California Geophysics. 71: L51-L59
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