Daniel J. Clayton, Ph.D.

2010 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
Fluid and Plasma Physics
"Daniel Clayton"
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Cary B. Forest grad student 2010 UW Madison
 (Fast electron transport in improved-confinement RFP plasmas.)
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Clayton DJ, Tritz K, Stutman D, et al. (2013) Electron temperature profile reconstructions from multi-energy SXR measurements using neural networks Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 55
Ono M, Jaworski MA, Kaita R, et al. (2013) Recent progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U lithium programme and prospects for reactor-relevant liquid-lithium based divertor development Nuclear Fusion. 53
Clayton DJ, Almagri AF, Burke DR, et al. (2010) An upgraded x-ray spectroscopy diagnostic on MST. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 81: 10E308
Chapman BE, Almagri AF, Anderson JK, et al. (2010) Generation and confinement of hot ions and electrons in a reversed-field pinch plasma Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 52
Clayton DJ, Chapman BE, O'Connell R, et al. (2010) Observation of energetic electron confinement in a largely stochastic reversed-field pinch plasma Physics of Plasmas. 17
Chapman BE, Ahn JW, Almagri AF, et al. (2009) Improved-confinement plasmas at high temperature and high beta in the MST RFP Nuclear Fusion. 49
Den Hartog DJ, Ahn JW, Almagri AF, et al. (2007) Recent improvements in confinement and beta in the MST reversed-field pinch Nuclear Fusion. 47: L17-L20
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