Peter S. Riseborough
Affiliations: | Physics | Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States |
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Sign in to add traineeSukalpa Basu | grad student | 2010 | Temple University |
Derya Kanbur | grad student | 2014 | Temple University |
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Riseborough PS, Magalhaes SG, Calegari EJ, et al. (2020) Enhancement of the spin-orbit coupling by strong electronic correlations in transition and light actinide metallic compounds. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter : An Institute of Physics Journal |
Magalhaes SG, Lausmann AC, Calegari EJ, et al. (2020) Unfolding of antiferromagnetic phases and multicritical points in a two-orbital model for uranium compounds under pressure and magnetic field Physical Review B. 101: 64407 |
Mydosh JA, Oppeneer P, Riseborough PS. (2019) Hidden order and beyond: An experimental - theoretical overview of the multifaceted behavior of URu2Si2. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter : An Institute of Physics Journal |
Severing A, Thompson JD, Canfield PC, et al. (2019) Gap in the magnetic excitation spectrum of Ce3Bi4Pt3. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 44: 6832-6837 |
Chang H, Riseborough PS. (2019) Dissipative quantum tunneling: A variational principle for phase shifts. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 40: 2120-2127 |
Hanggi P, Weiss U, Riseborough PS. (2019) Quantum decay into a continuum at weak bias. Physical Review. a, General Physics. 34: 4558-4566 |
Riseborough PS, Hanggi P, Weiss U. (2019) Exact results for a damped quantum-mechanical harmonic oscillator. Physical Review. a, General Physics. 31: 471-478 |
Cao G, Terzic J, Zhao HD, et al. (2018) Electrical Control of Structural and Physical Properties via Strong Spin-Orbit Interactions in Sr_{2}IrO_{4}. Physical Review Letters. 120: 017201 |
Riseborough PS, Fisk Z. (2017) Critical examination of quantum oscillations in SmB 6 Physical Review B. 96: 195122 |
Ran S, Wolowiec CT, Jeon I, et al. (2016) Phase diagram and thermal expansion measurements on the system URu2-xFexSi2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |