David Staub, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2013 | Medical Physics | Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, United States |
"David Staub"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorMartin J. Murphy | grad student | 2013 | VCU | |
(Time dependent cone-beam CT reconstruction via a motion model optimized with forward iterative projection matching.) |
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Staub D, Murphy MJ. (2013) A digitally reconstructed radiograph algorithm calculated from first principles. Medical Physics. 40: 011902 |
Staub D, Sampson A, Williamson J, et al. (2012) WE-G-217BCD-09: Calibration of a DRR Algorithm. Medical Physics. 39: 3974 |
Murphy MJ, Salguero FJ, Siebers JV, et al. (2012) A method to estimate the effect of deformable image registration uncertainties on daily dose mapping. Medical Physics. 39: 573-80 |
Staub D, Docef A, Brock RS, et al. (2011) 4D Cone-beam CT reconstruction using a motion model based on principal component analysis. Medical Physics. 38: 6697-709 |
Staub D, Docef A, Murphy M. (2011) TH-C-BRC-05: 4DCBCT Reconstruction Using a PCA Based DVF Motion Model Medical Physics. 38: 3857-3857 |
Vaman C, Staub D, Williamson J, et al. (2010) A method to map errors in the deformable registration of 4DCT imagesa). Medical Physics. 37: 5765-5776 |
Vaman C, Staub D, Williamson J, et al. (2010) A method to map errors in the deformable registration of 4DCT images. Medical Physics. 37: 5765-76 |
Staub D, Vaman C, Murphy M. (2010) MO-FF-A4-04: A Method to Construct Synthetic Maps of Spatially Correlated Deformable Image Registration Errors by Random Sampling of De-Correlated Error Modes Medical Physics. 37: 3366-3366 |
Vaman C, Staub D, Williamson J, et al. (2009) TH-D-213A-05: A Method to Estimate 4DCT Deformable Registration Errors Via Principal Components Analysis Medical Physics. 36: 2821-2821 |