Ralf Hinderer, Ph.D.

2003 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
Biomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics
"Ralf Hinderer"
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Thomas Rockwell Mackie grad student 2003 UW Madison
 (Development of an efficient detector system for megavoltage photons.)
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Keller H, Glass M, Hinderer R, et al. (2002) Monte Carlo study of a highly efficient gas ionization detector for megavoltage imaging and image-guided radiotherapy. Medical Physics. 29: 165-75
Hinderer R, Kapatoes JM, Keller H, et al. (2002) Development of a new multielement detector system for megavoltage photons Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 4682: 809-818
Keller H, Hinderer R, Glass M, et al. (2001) Design considerations for efficient binary megavoltage photon detector structures Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference. 3: 1704-1706
Keller H, Hinderer R, Glass M, et al. (2001) Design considerations for efficient binary megavoltage photon detector structures Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference. 3: 1704-1706
Ruchala KJ, Olivera GH, Schloesser EA, et al. (2000) Calibration of a tomotherapeutic MVCT system. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 45: N27-36
Ruchala KJ, Olivera GH, Schloesser EA, et al. (2000) Tomotherapeutic megavoltage CT calibration Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 3: 2045-2048
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