Christoph M. Puetter, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2012 | Physics | University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada |
Condensed Matter Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Atomic PhysicsGoogle:
"Christoph Puetter"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorHae-Young Kee | grad student | 2012 | University of Toronto | |
(Emergent low temperature phases in strongly correlated multi-orbital and cold atom systems.) |
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Kee HY, Puetter CM, Stroud D. (2013) Transport signatures of electronic-nematic stripe phases. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter : An Institute of Physics Journal. 25: 202201 |
Puetter CM, Kee HY. (2012) Identifying spin-triplet pairing in spin-orbit coupled multi-band superconductors Epl. 98 |
Puetter CM, Swiecicki SD, Kee HY. (2012) Unveiling a nematic quantum critical point in multi-orbital systems New Journal of Physics. 14 |
Puetter CM, Rau JG, Kee HY. (2010) Microscopic route to nematicity in Sr3 Ru2 O7 Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 81 |
Puetter CM, Lawler MJ, Kee HY. (2008) Theory of the spin-nematic to spin-Peierls quantum phase transition in ultracold spin-1 atoms in optical lattices Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 78 |
Puetter C, Doh H, Kee H. (2007) Metanematic transitions in a bilayer system: Application to the bilayer ruthenate Physical Review B. 76 |