Gelu-Marius Nita, Ph.D.

2004 New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, United States 
Astronomy and Astrophysics
"Gelu-Marius Nita"
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Dale E. Gary grad student 2004 NJIT
 (Statistical study of solar radio bursts.)
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Fleishman GD, Gary DE, Chen B, et al. (2020) Decay of the coronal magnetic field can release sufficient energy to power a solar flare. Science (New York, N.Y.). 367: 278-280
Fleishman GD, Nita GM, Kontar EP, et al. (2016) Narrowband gyrosynchrotron bursts: Probing electron acceleration in solar flares Astrophysical Journal. 826
Fleishman GD, Xu Y, Nita GN, et al. (2016) VALIDATION of the CORONAL THICK TARGET SOURCE MODEL Astrophysical Journal. 816
Fleishman GD, Nita GM, Gary DE. (2015) Energy partitions and evolution in a purely thermal solar flare Astrophysical Journal. 802
Nita GM, Fleishman GD, Kuznetsov AA, et al. (2015) Three-dimensional radio and X-ray modeling and data analysis software: Revealing flare complexity Astrophysical Journal. 799
Nita GM, Fleishman GD, Gary DE, et al. (2014) Fitting fft-derived spectra: Theory, tool, and application to solar radio spike decomposition Astrophysical Journal. 789
Fleishman GD, Kontar EP, Nita GM, et al. (2013) Probing dynamics of electron acceleration with radio and x-ray spectroscopy, imaging, and timing in the 2002 april 11 solar flare Astrophysical Journal. 768
Gary DE, Fleishman GD, Nita GM. (2013) Magnetography of Solar Flaring Loops with Microwave Imaging Spectropolarimetry Solar Physics. 288: 549-565
Fleishman GD, Kontar EP, Nita GM, et al. (2011) A cold, tenuous solar flare: Acceleration without heating Astrophysical Journal Letters. 731
Kuznetsov AA, Nita GM, Fleishman GD. (2011) Three-dimensional simulations of gyrosynchrotron emission from mildly anisotropic nonuniform electron distributions in symmetric magnetic loops Astrophysical Journal. 742
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