Daniel J. Leathers

University of Delaware, Newark, DE, United States 
Atmospheric Science Physics, Physical Geography, Hydrology
"Daniel Leathers"


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Cross-listing: Meteorology Tree


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Peter J. Webster grad student 1987 Penn State
 (M.Sc., Edge Wave Characteristics of East Asian Cold Surges.)
Brent M. Yarnal grad student 1988 Penn State
 (The Pacific/North American Teleconnection Pattern and United States Climate.)
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Suriano ZJ, Leathers DJ, Benjamin AE. (2020) Regionalization of Northeast US moisture conditions: analysis of synoptic-scale atmospheric drivers Climate Research. 79: 193-206
Suriano ZJ, Henderson GR, Leathers DJ. (2020) Discharge responses associated with rapid snow cover ablation events in the Susquehanna and Wabash River basins Physical Geography. 41: 70-82
Leathers DJ, Brasher SE, Brinson KR, et al. (2020) A comparison of extreme precipitation event frequency and magnitude using a high‐resolution rain gage network and NOAA Atlas 14 across Delaware International Journal of Climatology. 40: 3748-3756
Suriano ZJ, Leathers DJ, Hall DK, et al. (2019) Contribution of snowfall from diverse synoptic conditions in the Catskill/Delaware Watershed of New York State. International Journal of Climatology : a Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 39: 3608-3618
Suriano ZJ, Robinson DA, Leathers DJ. (2019) Changing snow depth in the Great Lakes basin (USA): Implications and trends Anthropocene. 26: 100208
Suriano ZJ, Leathers DJ. (2018) Great Lakes Basin Snow-Cover Ablation and Synoptic-Scale Circulation Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 57: 1497-1510
Suriano ZJ, Benjamin AE, Leathers DJ, et al. (2018) Northeast United States growing season moisture conditions: Associations with a North American mid‐tropospheric wave train International Journal of Climatology. 38: 5542-5550
Suriano ZJ, Leathers DJ. (2017) Synoptically classified lake-effect snowfall trends to the lee of Lakes Erie and Ontario Climate Research. 74: 1-13
Siegert CM, Levia DF, Leathers DJ, et al. (2017) Do storm synoptic patterns affect biogeochemical fluxes from temperate deciduous forest canopies? Biogeochemistry. 132: 273-292
Suriano ZJ, Leathers DJ. (2017) Synoptic climatology of lake‐effect snowfall conditions in the eastern Great Lakes region International Journal of Climatology. 37: 4377-4389
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