Paul D. Brinkman, Ph.D.

2005 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
History of Science, United States History, Paleontology
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Sally G. Kohlstedt grad student 2005 UMN
 (The second American Jurassic dinosaur rush, 1895--1905.)
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Brinkman PD. (2018) John Conrad Hansen (1869–1952) and his scientific illustrations Archives of Natural History. 45: 233-244
Brinkman PD. (2018) VETTER, Jeremy. Field life: science in the American West during the railroad era Archives of Natural History. 45: 190-191
Hamm E, Spanagel D, Brinkman PD, et al. (2017) Letters from the President, Treasurer, Secretary and Editor's introduction Earth Sciences History. 36
Brinkman PD. (2017) Beyond the museum's mandate Science. 357: 652-652
Brinkman PD. (2016) Edward Drinker Cope's final feud Archives of Natural History. 43: 305-320
Brinkman PD. (2015) Remarking on a blackened eye: Persifor Frazer's blow-by-blow account of a fistfight with his dear friend Edward Drinker Cope. Endeavour. 39: 188-92
Brinkman PD. (2015) The ‘Chicago Idea’: Patronage, Authority, and Scientific Autonomy at the Field Columbian Museum, 1893–97 Museum History Journal. 8: 168-187
Brinkman PD, Vizcaíno SF. (2014) Clemente Onelli's sketch map and his first-hand, retrospective account of an early fossil-hunting expedition along the Río Santa Cruz, southern Patagonia, 1888-1889 Archives of Natural History. 41: 326-337
Stuart BL, Rosado J, Brinkman PD. (2014) Albert Rogers Crandall's Smooth Green Snake (Opheodrys vernalis) from North Carolina Southeastern Naturalist. 13: N37-N42
Oldroyd D, Brinkman P. (2013) Red Deer River shakedown: a history of the Captain Marshall field paleontological expedition to Alberta, 1922, and its aftermath Earth Sciences History. 32: 204-234
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