David Kutasov

1993- University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
"David Kutasov"


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Andrei Parnachev grad student 2003 Chicago
Vasilis Niarchos grad student 2004 Chicago
Davit Sahakyan grad student 2004 Chicago
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Hashimoto A, Kutasov D. (2020) Strings, symmetric products, TT¯ deformations and Hecke operators Physics Letters B. 806: 135479
Chakraborty S, Giveon A, Kutasov D. (2020) TT¯$$ T\overline{T} $$ , black holes and negative strings Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020: 1-32
Hashimoto A, Kutasov D. (2020) TT¯,JT¯,TJ¯$$ T\overline{T},J\overline{T},T\overline{J} $$ partition sums from string theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020: 1-18
Chakraborty S, Giveon A, Kutasov D. (2019) $\boldsymbol {T\overline{T}}$ , $\boldsymbol {J\overline{T}}$ , $\boldsymbol{T\overline{J}}$ and string theory Journal of Physics A. 52: 384003
Aharony O, Datta S, Giveon A, et al. (2019) Modular covariance and uniqueness of J\overline{T} deformed CFTs Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019: 85
Chakraborty S, Giveon A, Itzhaki N, et al. (2018) Entanglement beyond AdS Nuclear Physics. 935: 290-309
Asrat M, Giveon A, Itzhaki N, et al. (2018) Holography Beyond AdS Nuclear Physics. 932: 241-253
Chakraborty S, Giveon A, Kutasov D. (2018) $$ J\overline{T} $$ deformed CFT2 and string theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018: 57
Giveon A, Itzhaki N, Kutasov D. (2017) A solvable irrelevant deformation of AdS 3 / CFT 2 Journal of High Energy Physics. 2017: 155
Giveon A, Itzhaki N, Kutasov D. (2016) Stringy horizons II Journal of High Energy Physics. 2016: 157
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