Paul M. Kasili, Ph.D.

2004 The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, United States 
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"Paul Kasili"
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Tuan Yo-Dinh grad student 2004 University of Tennessee
 (The development of optical nanosensor technology for single cell analysis.)
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Vo-Dinh T, Kasili P, Wabuyele M. (2006) Nanoprobes and nanobiosensors for monitoring and imaging individual living cells. Nanomedicine : Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine. 2: 22-30
Martin ME, Wabuyele MB, Chen K, et al. (2006) Development of an advanced hyperspectral imaging (HSI) system with applications for cancer detection. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 34: 1061-8
Kasili PM, Wabuyele MB, Vo-Dinh T. (2006) Antibody-based SERS diagnostics of Fhit protein without label Nanobiotechnology. 2: 29-35
Kasili PM, Vo-Dinh T. (2005) Optical nanobiosensor for monitoring an apoptotic signaling process in a single living cell following photodynamic therapy. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 5: 2057-62
Vo-Dinh T, Kasili P. (2005) Fiber-optic nanosensors for single-cell monitoring. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 382: 918-25
Song JM, Culha M, Kasili PM, et al. (2005) A compact CMOS biochip immunosensor towards the detection of a single bacteria. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 20: 2203-9
Kasili PM, Vo-Dinh T. (2005) Liposome encapsulated gold nanoshells for NanoPhototherapy induced hyperthermia International Journal of Nanotechnology. 2: 397-410
Kasili PM, Vo-Dinh T. (2005) Photothermal treatment of human carcinoma cells using liposome-encapsulated gold nanoshells Nanobiotechnology. 1: 245-252
Song JM, Kasili PM, Griffin GD, et al. (2004) Detection of cytochrome C in a single cell using an optical nanobiosensor. Analytical Chemistry. 76: 2591-4
Kasili PM, Song JM, Vo-Dinh T. (2004) Optical sensor for the detection of caspase-9 activity in a single cell. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 126: 2799-806
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