Hans R. Zuuring

Forestry University of Montana, Missoula, MT 
Geophysics, Hydrology
"Hans Zuuring"
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Booth DT, Cox SE, Meikle T, et al. (2008) Ground-cover measurements: assessing correlation among aerial and ground-based methods. Environmental Management. 42: 1091-100
Barrett TM, Zuuring HR, Christopher T. (2007) Interpretation of forest characteristics from computer-generated images Landscape and Urban Planning. 80: 396-403
Hall WL, Zuuring HR, Hardy CC, et al. (2003) Applying Logistic Regression to Determine Regeneration Risk to Stand Replacement Fire on the Kootenai National Forest, Montana Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 18: 155-162
Latham PA, Zuuring HR, Coble DW. (1998) A method for quantifying vertical forest structure Forest Ecology and Management. 104: 157-170
Mace RD, Waller JS, Manley TL, et al. (1996) Relationships among grizzly bears, roads and habitat in the Swan Mountains, Montana Journal of Applied Ecology. 33: 1395-1404
Clinebell RR, Phillips OL, Gentry AH, et al. (1995) Prediction of neotropical tree and liana species richness from soil and climatic data Biodiversity and Conservation. 4: 56-90
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