K.H Wong

Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong) 
Electricity and Magnetism Physics
"K.H Wong"
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Yao YB, Chan HT, Mak CL, et al. (2013) Phase transitions and optical characterization of lead-free piezoelectric (K0.5Na0.5)0.96Li0.04(Nb 0.8Ta0.2)O3 thin films Thin Solid Films. 537: 156-162
Zhuang L, Lau C, Wong K, et al. (2012) Fabrication and Characterization of All-Transparent Li0.15Ni0.85O/In–Mg0.5Zn0.5O Thin-Film p–n Heterojunction Diodes with Cube-on-Cube Epitaxial Structures Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 51
Yao Y, Liu WC, Mak C, et al. (2011) Effects of stress on the optical properties of epitaxial Nd-doped Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6 films Aip Advances. 1: 32172
Yao Y, Liu W, Mak C, et al. (2010) Optical properties of rare-earth doped epitaxial Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition Thin Solid Films. 519: 52-57
Liu WC, Mak CL, Wong KH. (2009) Sr1.8Ca0.2NaNb5O15 films for electro-optic modulator application Journal of Physics D. 42: 105114
Liu WC, Yao YB, Lam CY, et al. (2009) Epitaxial Sr1.8 Ca0.2 NaNb5 O15 thin film waveguides grown by pulsed laser deposition: Optical properties and microstructure Journal of Applied Physics. 106
Liu WC, Mak CL, Wong KH. (2009) Temperature dependent Raman scattering of the epitaxial Sr1.9Ca0.1NaNb5O15 film Thin Solid Films. 517: 4822-4825
Zhuang L, Wong KH, Shen H. (2009) Comparative study of heteroepitaxial domain growth Mg0.4Zn0.6O alloy films on LaAlO3 and MgO substrates Applied Physics A. 97: 889-894
Zhu X, Zhu J, Zhou S, et al. (2008) Epitaxial growth, dielectric response, and microstructure of compositionally graded (Ba,Sr)TiO3 thin films grown on (100) MgO substrates by pulsed laser deposition Journal of Materials Research. 23: 737-744
Wu Z, Huang W, Wong K, et al. (2008) Structural and dielectric properties of epitaxial SrTiO3 films grown directly on GaAs substrates by laser molecular beam epitaxy Journal of Applied Physics. 104: 54103
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