Bernardo Useche, Ph.D.

2010 Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences Management The University of Texas School of Public Health 
Public Health, Behavioral Sciences Psychology, Developmental Psychology
"Bernardo Useche"
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Christine M. Markham grad student 2010 The University of Texas School of Public Health
 (Sexual initiation of U.S. Latino and Colombian high school students: Toward a new theory of adolescent sexuality and implications for sexual health prevention and promotion.)
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da Silva Lara LA, Useche B, Rosa E Silva JC, et al. (2009) Sexuality during the climacteric period. Maturitas. 62: 127-33
Lara LA, Useche B, Ferriani RA, et al. (2009) The effects of hypoestrogenism on the vaginal wall: interference with the normal sexual response. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 6: 30-9
Fernandez-Esquer ME, Atkinson J, Diamond P, et al. (2004) Condom use self-efficacy among U.S. and foreign-born Latinos in Texas. Journal of Sex Research. 41: 390-9
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