Neerushana Jehanathan, Ph.D.

2011 Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium) 
Materials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics
"Neerushana Jehanathan"
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Gustaaf V. Tendeloo grad student 2011 Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium)
 (Structural Characterisation of Complex Oxide & Rare Earth Manganite Thing Films by Microscopy.)
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Gelard I, Jehanathan N, Roussel H, et al. (2011) Off-Stoichiometry Effects on the Crystalline and Defect Structure of Hexagonal Manganite REMnO3 Films (RE = Y, Er, Dy) Chemistry of Materials. 23: 1232-1238
Jehanathan N, Georgieva V, Saraiva M, et al. (2011) The influence of Cr and Y on the micro structural evolution of Mg―Cr―O and Mg―Y―O thin films Thin Solid Films. 519: 5388-5396
Jehanathan N, Lebedev O, Gélard I, et al. (2010) Structure and defect characterization of multiferroic ReMnO(3) films and multilayers by TEM. Nanotechnology. 21: 75705
Saraiva M, Chen H, Leroy WP, et al. (2009) Influence of Al Content on the Properties of MgO Grown by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering Plasma Processes and Polymers. 6
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