James A. Felix, Ph.D.

2003 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering
"James Felix"
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Daniel M. Fleetwood grad student 2003 Vanderbilt
 (The radiation response and long term reliability of high-K gate dielectrics.)
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Schwank JR, Shaneyfelt MR, Fleetwood DM, et al. (2008) Radiation effects in MOS oxides Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science. 55: 1833-1853
Girard S, Tortech B, Regnier E, et al. (2007) Proton- and Gamma-Induced Effects on Erbium-Doped Optical Fibers Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science. 54: 2426-2434
Reed RA, Weller RA, Mendenhall MH, et al. (2007) Impact of ion energy and species on single event effects analysis Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science. 54: 2312-2321
Lucovsky G, Fleetwood DM, Lee S, et al. (2006) Differences between charge trapping states in irradiated nano-crystalline HfO2 and non-crystalline Hf silicates Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science. 53: 3644-3648
Shaneyfelt MR, Schwank JR, Dodd PE, et al. (2006) Implications of characterization temperature on hardness assurance qualification Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science. 53: 3132-3138
Schwank JR, Shaneyfelt MR, Baggio J, et al. (2005) Effects of particle energy on proton-induced single-event latchup Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science. 52: 2622-2629
Zhou XJ, Fleetwood DM, Felix JA, et al. (2005) Bias-temperature instabilities and radiation effects in MOS devices Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science. 52: 2231-2238
Lum GK, Boruta N, Baker JM, et al. (2004) New experimental findings for single-event gate rupture in MOS capacitors and linear devices Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science. 51: 3263-3269
Shaneyfelt MR, Pease RL, Schwank JR, et al. (2004) Annealing behavior of linear bipolar devices with enhanced low-dose-rate sensitivity Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science. 51: 3172-3177
Zhou XJ, Tsetseris L, Rashkeev SN, et al. (2004) Negative bias-temperature instabilities in metal–oxide–silicon devices with SiO2 and SiOxNy/HfO2 gate dielectrics Applied Physics Letters. 84: 4394-4396
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