Elena C. Gianulis, Ph.D.

2012 Physiology University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States 
Physiology Biology, General Biophysics, Molecular Biology
"Elena Gianulis"
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Matthew C. Trudau grad student 2012 University of Maryland Medical School
 (HERG eag/PAS (ether-a-go-go/Per-Arnt-Sim) Domain: Elucidating its Role in Regulating Channel Gating in Physiology and Disease.)
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Gianulis EC, Casciola M, Zhou C, et al. (2019) Selective distant electrostimulation by synchronized bipolar nanosecond pulses. Scientific Reports. 9: 13116
Muratori C, Pakhomov AG, Gianulis E, et al. (2017) Activation of the phospholipid scramblase TMEM16F by nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF) facilitates its diverse cytophysiological effects. The Journal of Biological Chemistry
Gianulis EC, Casciola M, Xiao S, et al. (2017) Electropermeabilization by uni- or bipolar nanosecond electric pulses: The impact of extracellular conductivity. Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 119: 10-19
Muratori C, Pakhomov AG, Heller L, et al. (2017) Electrosensitization Increases Antitumor Effectiveness of Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields In Vivo. Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment. 1533034617712397
Gianulis EC, Labib C, Saulis G, et al. (2016) Selective susceptibility to nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF) across different human cell types. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences : Cmls
Muratori C, Pakhomov AG, Gianulis EC, et al. (2016) The cytotoxic synergy of nanosecond electric pulses and low temperature leads to apoptosis. Scientific Reports. 6: 36835
Gianulis EC, Lee J, Jiang C, et al. (2015) Electroporation of mammalian cells by nanosecond electric field oscillations and its inhibition by the electric field reversal. Scientific Reports. 5: 13818
Gianulis EC, Pakhomov AG. (2015) Gadolinium modifies the cell membrane to inhibit permeabilization by nanosecond electric pulses. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 570: 1-7
Pakhomov AG, Gianulis E, Vernier PT, et al. (2015) Multiple nanosecond electric pulses increase the number but not the size of long-lived nanopores in the cell membrane. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1848: 958-66
Gianulis EC, Liu Q, Trudeau MC. (2013) Direct interaction of eag domains and cyclic nucleotide-binding homology domains regulate deactivation gating in hERG channels. The Journal of General Physiology. 142: 351-66
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