Stephen Albert Gregory

Astronomy University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States 
Extragalactic astronomy, galaxy clusters and superclusters, voids, image processing and redshifts.
"Stephen Albert Gregory"

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William Grant Tifft grad student 1974 University of Arizona
 (Evolutionary effects on radially varying properties of Coma cluster galaxies.)
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Payne TE, Gregory SA, Villafuerte J. (2004) The development of a satellite signatures testbed based on the Raven system Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 5489: 1178-1183
Gregory SA, Tifft WG, Moody JW, et al. (2000) The Arizona-New Mexico spectroscopic survey of galaxies. III. On galaxy populations Astronomical Journal. 119: 573-579
Gregory SA, Tifft WG, Moody JW, et al. (2000) The Arizona-New Mexico spectroscopic survey of galaxies. II. Structures in the perseus supercluster Astronomical Journal. 119: 567-572
Gregory SA, Tifft WG, Moody JW, et al. (2000) The Arizona-New Mexico spectroscopic survey of galaxies. I. Data for the western end of the perseus supercluster Astronomical Journal. 119: 545-566
Salzer JJ, Moody JW, Rosenberg JL, et al. (1995) Imaging and Spectroscopic Observations of the Case Survey Blue/Emission- Line Galaxies The Astronomical Journal. 109: 2376
Gregory SA, Moody JW, Tifft WG. (1988) Redshift studies of large-scale structure. II. A faint sample in the direction of the Coma/A1367 supercluster The Astronomical Journal. 95: 662
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