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Duputel Z, Cara M, Rivera L, et al. (2010) Improving the analysis and inversion of multimode Rayleigh-wave dispersion by using group-delay time information observed on arrays of high-frequency sensors Geophysics. 75
Lévêque JJ, Cara M, Rouland D. (2007) Waveform inversion of surface wave data: test of a new tool for systematic investigation of upper mantle structures Geophysical Journal International. 104: 565-581
Montagner J, Marty B, Stutzmann E, et al. (2007) Mantle upwellings and convective instabilities revealed by seismic tomography and helium isotope geochemistry beneath eastern Africa Geophysical Research Letters. 34
Debayle E, Lévêque J, Cara M. (2001) Seismic evidence for a deeply rooted low-velocity anomaly in the upper mantle beneath the northeastern Afro/Arabian continent Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 193: 423-436
Trampert J, Cara M, Frogneux M. (1993) SH Propagator Matrix and Qs Estimates From Borehole- and Surface-Recorded Earthquake Data Geophysical Journal International. 112: 290-299
Woods MT, Leveque JJ, Okal EA, et al. (1991) Two-station measurements of Rayleigh wave group velocity along the Hawai'ian Swell Geophysical Research Letters. 18: 105-108
Cisternas A, Philip H, Bousquet JC, et al. (1989) The Spitak (Armenia) earthquake of 7 December 1988: field observations, seismology and tectonics Nature. 339: 675-679
Lévêque J, Cara M. (1985) Inversion of multimode surface wave data: evidence for sub-lithospheric anisotropy Geophysical Journal International. 83: 753-773
Lévêque J, Cara M. (1983) Long-period Love wave overtone data in North America and the Pacific Ocean: new evidence for upper mantle anisotropy Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. 33: 164-179
Romanowicz BA, Cara M. (1980) Reconsideration of the relations between S and P Station anomalies in North America Geophysical Research Letters. 7: 417-420
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