Seyda Ipek

2010-2015 Physics University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
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Berger D, Ipek S, Tait TM, et al. (2020) Dark matter freeze out during an early cosmological period of QCD confinement Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020
Ipek S, Tait TMP. (2019) Early Cosmological Period of QCD Confinement. Physical Review Letters. 122: 112001
Chen M, Ipek S, Ratz M. (2019) Baryogenesis from Flavon Decays Physical Review D. 100: 35011
Ellis SAR, Ipek S, White G. (2019) Electroweak baryogenesis from temperature-varying couplings Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019: 2
Gehrlein J, Ipek S, Fox PJ. (2019) Biνo phenomenology at the LHC Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019
Ipek S, Plascencia AD, Turner J. (2018) Assessing perturbativity and vacuum stability in high-scale leptogenesis Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018: 111
Coloma P, Ipek S. (2016) Neutrino Masses from a Pseudo-Dirac Bino. Physical Review Letters. 117: 111803
Ipek S, March-Russell J. (2016) Baryogenesis via particle-antiparticle oscillations Physical Review D. 93: 123528
Bertoni B, Ipek S, McKeen D, et al. (2015) Constraints and consequences of reducing small scale structure via large dark matter-neutrino interactions Journal of High Energy Physics. 2015
Ipek S, McKeen D, Nelson AE. (2014) CPviolation in pseudo-Dirac fermion oscillations Physical Review D. 90
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