Sebastian Pregl

2015 Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Sachsen, Germany 
"Sebastian Pregl"
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Klinghammer S, Rauch S, Pregl S, et al. (2020) Surface Modification of Silicon Nanowire Based Field Effect Transistors with Stimuli Responsive Polymer Brushes for Biosensing Applications. Micromachines. 11
Ibarlucea B, Römhildt L, Zörgiebel F, et al. (2018) Gating Hysteresis as an Indicator for Silicon Nanowire FET Biosensors Applied Sciences. 8: 950
Pregl S, Baraban L, Sessi V, et al. (2018) Signal and Noise of Schottky-Junction Parallel Silicon Nanowire Transducers for Biochemical Sensing Ieee Sensors Journal. 18: 967-975
Schütt J, Ibarlucea B, Illing R, et al. (2016) Compact Nanowire Sensors Probe Microdroplets. Nano Letters. 16: 4991-5000
Pregl S, Heinzig A, Baraban L, et al. (2016) Printable parallel arrays of Si nanowire schottky-barrier-FETs with tunable polarity for complementary logic Ieee Transactions On Nanotechnology. 15: 549-556
Karnaushenko D, Ibarlucea B, Lee S, et al. (2015) Flexible Electronics: Light Weight and Flexible High-Performance Diagnostic Platform (Adv. Healthcare Mater. 10/2015). Advanced Healthcare Materials. 4: 1419
Jeon DY, Pregl S, Park SJ, et al. (2015) Scaling and Graphical Transport-Map Analysis of Ambipolar Schottky-Barrier Thin-Film Transistors Based on a Parallel Array of Si Nanowires. Nano Letters. 15: 4578-84
Karnaushenko D, Ibarlucea B, Lee S, et al. (2015) Light Weight and Flexible High-Performance Diagnostic Platform. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 4: 1517-25
Baek E, Pregl S, Shaygan M, et al. (2015) Optoelectronic switching of nanowire-based hybrid organic/oxide/semiconductor field-effect transistors Nano Research. 8: 1229-1240
Karnaushenko D, Ibarlucea B, Lee S, et al. (2015) Light Weight and Flexible High-Performance Diagnostic Platform Advanced Healthcare Materials. 4: 1517-1525
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