Sabine Wurmehl

2009-2010 IFW Dresden / TU Dresden 
"Sabine Wurmehl"
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Smerechuk A, Guilherme Buzanich A, Büchner B, et al. (2024) Synthesis and properties of SrLaNiWO, a new S = 1 triangular lattice magnet. Acta Crystallographica Section B, Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials
Borisenko S, Fedorov A, Kuibarov A, et al. (2022) Fermi surface tomography. Nature Communications. 13: 4132
Selter S, Scaravaggi F, Kappenberger R, et al. (2020) Evolution of Structure and Electronic Correlations in a Series of BaTAs (T = Cr-Cu) Single Crystals. Inorganic Chemistry
Hong X, Caglieris F, Kappenberger R, et al. (2020) Evolution of the Nematic Susceptibility in LaFe_{1-x}Co_{x}AsO. Physical Review Letters. 125: 067001
Kuzmicheva TE, Kuzmichev SA, Morozov IV, et al. (2020) Experimental Evidence of Three-Gap Superconductivity in LiFeAs Jetp Letters. 111: 350-356
Vogl M, Morrow R, Aczel AA, et al. (2020) Complex magnetic properties in the mixed 4f−5d double perovskite iridates X2ZnIrO6(X=Nd,Sm,Eu,Gd) Physical Review Materials. 4
Takegami D, Kasinathan D, Wolff KK, et al. (2020) Charge-transfer energy in iridates: A hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study Physical Review B. 102
Lucassen J, Schippers CF, Verheijen MA, et al. (2020) Extraction of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction from propagating spin waves Physical Review B. 101
Grafe H, Lepucki P, Witschel M, et al. (2020) Unified phase diagram of F-doped LaFeAsO by means of NMR and NQR parameters Physical Review B. 101
Haindl S, Sato M, Wurmehl S, et al. (2020) Pulsed laser deposition of Fe-oxypnictides: Co- and F-substitution Superconductor Science and Technology. 33: 105004
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