Petra Stumm

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD ), Inc. 
 1996 Physics and Astronomy Ohio University, Athens, OH, United States 
"Petra Stumm"
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Fedders PA, Drabold DA, Stumm P. (1998) Theoretical studies of defects and nitrogen doping in tetrahedral amorphous carbon Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 588-593
Stumm P, Drabold DA. (1997) Structure, electronic properties, defects, and doping of AlN using a self-consistent molecular-dynamics method Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 468: 111-116
Drabold DA, Stumm P. (1997) First model of amorphous GaN from ab initio molecular dynamics Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 449: 947-952
Stumm P, Drabold DA. (1997) Structure, electronic properties, defects of GaN using a self-consistent molecular-dynamics method Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 449: 941-946
Stumm P, Drabold DA. (1997) Can amorphous GaN serve as a useful electronic material? Physical Review Letters. 79: 677-680
Stumm P, Drabold DA, Fedders PA. (1997) Defects, doping, and conduction mechanisms in nitrogen-doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon Journal of Applied Physics. 81: 1289-1295
Stumm P, Drabold DA. (1995) Structural and electronic properties of nitrogen doped fourfold amorphous carbon Solid State Communications. 93: 617-621
Drabold DA, Stumm P, Fedders PA. (1994) Comment on "Structure, dynamics, and electronic properties of diamondlike amorphous carbon" Physical Review Letters. 72: 2666
Drabold DA, Fedders PA, Stumm P. (1994) Theory of diamondlike amorphous carbon. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 49: 16415-16422
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