John Charles Willmott, Ph.D.

London Imperial College, London 
"John Willmott"

PhD: London Imperial College, London (1949)

Dissertation: An investigation into the infra-red spectrum of magnesium oxide.


Willmott, J.C. The Infra-red spectrum of magnesium oxide. Proceedings of the Physical Society.
Section A 1950, 63, 389-402.

“The author wishes to thank Dr. L. Kellner for suggesting the problem and supervising the research, which was carried out in the spectroscopic department of the Imperial College directed by Dr. R.W.B. Pearse. He also wishes to thank Dr. M. Blackman for helpful discussions.”

Mean distance: 3127.38
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Mo JN, Twin PJ, Willmott JC. (1966) An investigation into the lower excited states of 46Ti Nuclear Physics. 89: 686-696
Twin PJ, Willmott JC. (1966) Triple correlation measurements on 50Cr Nuclear Physics. 78: 177-192
Kaye G, Willmott JC. (1965) The excited states of 52Cr Nuclear Physics. 71: 561-585
Twin PJ, Willmott JC. (1964) The energy levels of Cr50 Nuclear Physics. 53: 484-496
Twin PJ, Willmott JC. (1963) Finite solid angle corrections for NaI(Tl) crystals when pulse height selection is employed Nuclear Instruments and Methods. 22: 109-112
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