Chris Ruiz
Affiliations: | TRIUMF |
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Fretwell S, Leach KG, Bray C, et al. (2020) Direct Measurement of the ^{7}Be L/K Capture Ratio in Ta-Based Superconducting Tunnel Junctions. Physical Review Letters. 125: 032701 |
Lotay G, Woods PJ, Moukaddam M, et al. (2020) High-resolution radioactive beam study of the $$^{26}\hbox {Al}(d,p$$26Al(d,p ) reaction and measurements of single-particle spectroscopic factors European Physical Journal A. 56: 1-6 |
Williams M, Lennarz A, Laird AM, et al. (2020) First inverse kinematics study of the Ne22(p,γ)Na23 reaction and its role in AGB star and classical nova nucleosynthesis Physical Review C. 102 |
Fallis J, Akers C, Laird AM, et al. (2020) First measurement in the Gamow window of a reaction for the γ-process in inverse kinematics: 76Se(α,γ)80Kr Physics Letters B. 807: 135575 |
Lennarz A, Williams M, Laird A, et al. (2020) First inverse kinematics measurement of key resonances in the 22Ne(p,γ)23Na reaction at stellar temperatures Physics Letters B. 807: 135539 |
Taggart MP, Akers C, Laird AM, et al. (2019) A direct measurement of the 17O(α,γ)21Ne reaction in inverse kinematics and its impact on heavy element production Physics Letters B. 798: 134894 |
Connolly D, O'Malley PD, Akers C, et al. (2018) Direct measurement of resonance strengths in 34 S(α ,γ ) 38 Ar at astrophysically relevant energies using the DRAGON recoil separator Physical Review C. 97: 35801 |
Christian G, Lotay G, Ruiz C, et al. (2018) Direct measurement of astrophysically important resonances in K38(p,γ)Ca39 Physical Review C. 97 |
Wilkinson R, Lotay G, Lennarz A, et al. (2017) Direct Measurement of the Key E_{c.m.}=456 keV Resonance in the Astrophysical ^{19}Ne(p,γ)^{20}Na Reaction and Its Relevance for Explosive Binary Systems. Physical Review Letters. 119: 242701 |
Cavallaro M, De Napoli M, Cappuzzello F, et al. (2017) Investigation of the ^{10}Li shell inversion by neutron continuum transfer reaction. Physical Review Letters. 118: 012701 |