Bastian Kubis
Affiliations: | Physics/Astronomy | University of Bonn, Germany, Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany |
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von Detten L, Noël F, Hanhart C, et al. (2021) On the scalar form factor beyond the elastic region. The European Physical Journal. C, Particles and Fields. 81: 420 |
Du ML, Guo FK, Hanhart C, et al. (2021) Where Is the Lightest Charmed Scalar Meson? Physical Review Letters. 126: 192001 |
Niehus M, Hoferichter M, Kubis B, et al. (2021) Two-Loop Analysis of the Pion Mass Dependence of the ρ Meson. Physical Review Letters. 126: 102002 |
Niehus M, Hoferichter M, Kubis B. (2021) The γπ → ππ anomaly from lattice QCD and dispersion relations Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021 |
Shi Y, Seng C, Guo F, et al. (2021) Two-meson form factors in unitarized chiral perturbation theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021 |
Hoferichter M, Kubis B, Ruiz de Elvira J, et al. (2020) Erratum: Nucleon Matrix Elements of the Antisymmetric Quark Tensor [Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 122001 (2019)]. Physical Review Letters. 124: 199901 |
Hoid B, Hoferichter M, Kubis B. (2020) Hadronic vacuum polarization: three-pion channel Epj Web of Conferences. 234: 01006 |
Aoyama T, Asmussen N, Benayoun M, et al. (2020) The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the Standard Model Physics Reports |
Sakai S, Guo F, Kubis B. (2020) Extraction of $ND$ scattering lengths from the $\Lambda_b\rightarrow\pi^-pD^0$ decay and properties of the $\Sigma_c(2800)^+$ Physics Letters B. 808: 135623 |
Hoferichter M, Kubis B, Ruiz de Elvira J, et al. (2019) Nucleon Matrix Elements of the Antisymmetric Quark Tensor. Physical Review Letters. 122: 122001 |