Caesar A. Saloma

National Institute of Physics University of the Philippines Diliman 
"Caesar Saloma"
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Monterola C, Saloma C. (2012) Solving the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with an unsupervised neural network. Optics Express. 9: 72-84
Romero MJ, Bautista G, Daria VR, et al. (2010) Laser confocal microscope with wavelet-profiled point spread function Optics Communications. 283: 1217-1221
Longjas A, Monterola C, Saloma C. (2009) Force analysis of jamming with disks of different sizes in a two-dimensional hopper Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2009: P05006
Legara EF, Monterola C, Juanico DE, et al. (2008) Earning potential in multilevel marketing enterprises Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 387: 4889-4895
Almoro P, Garcia W, Saloma C. (2007) Colored object recognition by digital holography and a hydrogen Raman shifter Optics Express. 15: 7176-7181
Juanico DE, Monterola C, Saloma C. (2007) Dissipative self-organized branching in a dynamic population. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 75: 045105
Bautista G, Blanca CM, Saloma C. (2007) Tracking the emergence of defect in light emitting semiconductor diodes with two-photon excitation microscopy and spectral microthermography. Applied Optics. 46: 855-60
Juanico DE, Monterola C, Saloma C. (2007) Self-organized critical branching in systems that violate conservation laws New Journal of Physics. 9: 92-92
Alonzo CA, Garcia W, Saloma C. (2007) Crosstalk between two-photon and two-color (two-photon) excitation in optical beam induced current generation with two confocal excitation beams Optics Communications. 270: 139-144
Bautista G, Mar Blanca C, Delica S, et al. (2006) Spectral microthermography for component discrimination and hot spot identification in integrated circuits. Optics Express. 14: 1021-6
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