Hans Stragier

physics University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
"Hans Stragier"
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Bouldin CE, Woicik JC, Stragier H, et al. (1993) Diffraction anomalous fine structure: Xafs with virtual photoelectrons Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 32: 198-202
Stragier H, Cross JO, Rehr JJ, et al. (1992) Diffraction anomalous fine structure: A new x-ray structural technique Physical Review Letters. 69: 3064-3067
Huang YS, Qiang H, Pollak FH, et al. (1991) Temperature dependence of the photoreflectance of a strained layer (001) In0.21Ga0.79As/GaAs single quantum well Journal of Applied Physics. 70: 7537-7542
Tweet DJ, Holyst R, Swanson BD, et al. (1990) X-ray determination of the molecular tilt and layer fluctuation profiles of freely suspended liquid-crystal films. Physical Review Letters. 65: 2157-2160
Amador S, Pershan PS, Stragier H, et al. (1989) Synchrotron studies of the first-order melting transitions of hexatic monolayers and multilayers in freely suspended liquid-crystal films. Physical Review. A. 39: 2703-2708
Swanson BD, Stragier H, Tweet DJ, et al. (1989) Layer-by-layer surface freezing of freely suspended liquid-crystal films Physical Review Letters. 62: 909-912
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