Umesh Kumar Verma

Central University of Rajasthan 
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Dutta S, Verma UK, Jalan S. (2024) Solitary death in coupled limit cycle oscillators with higher-order interactions. Physical Review. E. 108: L062201
Ghosh R, Verma UK, Jalan S, et al. (2023) First-order transition to oscillation death in coupled oscillators with higher-order interactions. Physical Review. E. 108: 044207
Chaurasia SS, Verma UK, Sinha S. (2020) Advent of extreme events in predator populations. Scientific Reports. 10: 10613
Verma UK, Ambika G. (2020) Amplitude chimera and chimera death induced by external agents in two-layer networks. Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.). 30: 043104
Verma UK, Chaurasia SS, Sinha S. (2019) Explosive death in nonlinear oscillators coupled by quorum sensing. Physical Review. E. 100: 032203
Verma UK, Sharma A, Kamal NK, et al. (2019) Explosive death in complex network. Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.). 29: 063127
Verma UK, Sharma A, Kamal NK, et al. (2018) First order transition to oscillation death through an environment Physics Letters A. 382: 2122-2126
Verma UK, Kamal NK, Shrimali MD. (2018) Co-existence of in-phase oscillations and oscillation death in environmentally coupled limit cycle oscillators Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 110: 55-63
Verma UK, Sharma A, Kamal NK, et al. (2017) Explosive death induced by mean-field diffusion in identical oscillators. Scientific Reports. 7: 7936
Sharma A, Verma UK, Shrimali MD. (2016) Phase-flip and oscillation-quenching-state transitions through environmental diffusive coupling. Physical Review. E. 94: 062218
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