Joseph Emerson

Applied Mathematics University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada 
"Joseph Emerson"
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Winick A, Wallman JJ, Emerson J. (2021) Simulating and Mitigating Crosstalk. Physical Review Letters. 126: 230502
Ruebeck JB, Lillystone P, Emerson J. (2020) $ψ$-epistemic interpretations of quantum theory have a measurement problem Arxiv: Quantum Physics. 4: 242
Dawkins H, Wallman J, Emerson J. (2020) Combining $T_1$ and $T_2$ estimation with randomized benchmarking and bounding the diamond distance Physical Review A. 102
Erhard A, Wallman JJ, Postler L, et al. (2019) Characterizing large-scale quantum computers via cycle benchmarking. Nature Communications. 10: 5347
Lillystone P, Wallman JJ, Emerson J. (2019) Contextuality and the Single-Qubit Stabilizer Subtheory. Physical Review Letters. 122: 140405
Carignan-Dugas A, Alexander M, Emerson J. (2019) A polar decomposition for quantum channels (with applications to bounding error propagation in quantum circuits) Arxiv: Quantum Physics. 3: 173
Qassim H, Wallman JJ, Emerson J. (2019) Clifford recompilation for faster classical simulation of quantum circuits Quantum. 3: 170
Boone K, Carignan-Dugas A, Wallman JJ, et al. (2019) Randomized benchmarking under different gate sets Physical Review A. 99
Carignan-Dugas A, Wallman JJ, Emerson J. (2019) Bounding the average gate fidelity of composite channels using the unitarity New Journal of Physics. 21: 053016
Mirkamali MS, Cory DG, Emerson J. (2018) Entanglement of two noninteracting qubits via a mesoscopic system Physical Review A. 98: 42327
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