Robert A. Williams

Hampton Roads Academy 
"Robert Williams"
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Williams RA, Puckett-Truman C. (2019) Extended vector meson dominance model for the baryon octet electromagnetic form factors. Physical Review. C, Nuclear Physics. 53: 1580-1588
Williams RA, Krewald S, Linen K. (2019) Vector resonances and electromagnetic nucleon structure. Physical Review. C, Nuclear Physics. 51: 566-572
Cotanch SR, Williams RA. (2002) Probing proton strangeness with time-like virtual Compton scattering Physics Letters B. 549: 85-92
Ji C, Kamiński R, Leśniak L, et al. (1998) Coupled channel analysis of S -wave π π and K K ¯ photoproduction Physical Review C. 58: 1205-1217
Williams RA, Jackson B. (1998) Elastic meson form factors with modified vector resonance propagators Physical Review C. 57: 2605-2617
Williams RA. (1998) Phi photoproduction near threshold with Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka evading phi NN interactions Physical Review C. 57: 223-232
Williams RA, Small TM. (1997) Extracting F Λ 2 (q 2 )/F ΣΛ 2 (q 2 ) from p(e,e'K + )Λ-->/ Σ--> 0 polarizations? Physical Review C. 55: 882-889
Williams RA, Cotanch SR. (1996) Nucleon Strangeness Content through Vector Meson Dominance. Physical Review Letters. 77: 1008-1011
Williams RA, Ji CR, Cotanch SR. (1993) Kinematically accessible vector meson resonance enhancements in p(K-,e+e-) Lambda, Sigma 0, Lambda (1405). Physical Review. C, Nuclear Physics. 48: 1318-1322
Williams RA, Ji CR, Cotanch SR. (1992) Hyperon electroproduction in a crossing and duality constrained model. Physical Review. C, Nuclear Physics. 46: 1617-1635
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