Patrick I. McCauley

Physics University of Sydney, Camperdown, New South Wales, Australia 
"Patrick McCauley"
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Beardsley AP, Johnston-Hollitt M, Trott CM, et al. (2020) Science with the Murchison Widefield Array: Phase I results and Phase II opportunities – Corrigendum Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 37
Cairns IH, Kozarev KA, Nitta NV, et al. (2020) Comprehensive Characterization of Solar Eruptions with Remote and In-Situ Observations, and Modeling: The Major Solar Events on 4 November 2015 Solar Physics. 295: 32
Rahman MM, Cairns IH, McCauley PI. (2020) Spectropolarimetric Imaging of Metric Type III Solar Radio Bursts Solar Physics. 295: 1-31
Mohan A, McCauley PI, Oberoi D, et al. (2019) A Weak Coronal Heating Event Associated with Periodic Particle Acceleration Episodes The Astrophysical Journal. 883: 45
McCauley PI, Cairns IH, White SM, et al. (2019) The Low-Frequency Solar Corona in Circular Polarization Solar Physics. 294: 106
Rahman MM, McCauley PI, Cairns IH. (2019) On the Relative Brightness of Coronal Holes at Low Frequencies Solar Physics. 294: 7
Cairns IH, Lobzin VV, Donea A, et al. (2018) Low Altitude Solar Magnetic Reconnection, Type III Solar Radio Bursts, and X-ray Emissions. Scientific Reports. 8: 1676
Kleint L, Wheatland MS, Mastrano A, et al. (2018) Nonlinear Force-free Modeling of Flare-related Magnetic Field Changes at the Photosphere and Chromosphere The Astrophysical Journal. 865: 146
McCauley PI, Cairns IH, Morgan J. (2018) Densities Probed by Coronal Type III Radio Burst Imaging Solar Physics. 293: 132
McCauley PI, Cairns IH, Morgan J, et al. (2017) Type III Solar Radio Burst Source Region Splitting due to a Quasi-separatrix Layer The Astrophysical Journal. 851: 151
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