Mark R Wenman
Affiliations: | Materials | Imperial College London, London, England, United Kingdom |
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Whiting TM, King DJM, Wenman MR. (2020) On the formation and structure of Mn-Ni-Si Γ2 precipitates in steels Journal of Nuclear Materials. 542: 152429 |
Pavlov T, Lestak M, Wenman M, et al. (2020) Examining the thermal properties of unirradiated nuclear grade graphite between 750 and 2500 K Journal of Nuclear Materials. 538: 152176 |
Than Y, Grimes R, Bell B, et al. (2020) Understanding the role of Fe, Cr and Ni in Zircaloy-2 with special focus on the role of Ni on hydrogen pickup Journal of Nuclear Materials. 530: 151956 |
King DJM, Yang M, Whiting TM, et al. (2020) G-phase strengthened iron alloys by design Acta Materialia. 183: 350-361 |
Whiting TM, Burr PA, King DJM, et al. (2019) Understanding the importance of the energetics of Mn, Ni, Cu, Si and vacancy triplet clusters in bcc Fe Journal of Applied Physics. 126: 115901 |
King DJM, Wenman MR. (2019) Comment on “The two-step nucleation of G-phase in ferrite”, the authors: Y. Matsukawa et al. Acta Mater 2016; 116:104–133 Scripta Materialia. 163: 163-165 |
Weekes H, Dye D, Proctor J, et al. (2019) The effect of pressure on hydrogen solubility in Zircaloy-4 Journal of Nuclear Materials. 524: 256-262 |
Pavlov TR, Wangle T, Wenman MR, et al. (2018) High temperature measurements and condensed matter analysis of the thermo-physical properties of ThO. Scientific Reports. 8: 5038 |
Chamaa SE, Patel M, Davies CM, et al. (2018) The effect of grain boundaries and second-phase particles on hydride precipitation in zirconium alloys Mrs Advances. 3: 1749-1754 |
King DJM, Middleburgh SC, Burr PA, et al. (2018) Density functional theory study of the magnetic moment of solute Mn in bcc Fe Physical Review B. 98 |