Stéphane Udry

Université de Genève, Genève, Genève, Switzerland 
"Stéphane Udry"
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Quanz SP, Absil O, Benz W, et al. (2021) Atmospheric characterization of terrestrial exoplanets in the mid-infrared: biosignatures, habitability, and diversity. Experimental Astronomy. 54: 1197-1221
Lam KWF, Csizmadia S, Astudillo-Defru N, et al. (2021) GJ 367b: A dense, ultrashort-period sub-Earth planet transiting a nearby red dwarf star. Science (New York, N.Y.). 374: 1271-1275
Armstrong DJ, Lopez TA, Adibekyan V, et al. (2020) A remnant planetary core in the hot-Neptune desert. Nature. 583: 39-42
Ehrenreich D, Lovis C, Allart R, et al. (2020) Nightside condensation of iron in an ultrahot giant exoplanet. Nature
Huang CX, Burt J, Vanderburg A, et al. (2018) TESS DISCOVERY OF A TRANSITING SUPER-EARTH IN THE MENSAE SYSTEM. The Astrophysical Journal. Letters. 868
Dittmann JA, Irwin JM, Charbonneau D, et al. (2017) A temperate rocky super-Earth transiting a nearby cool star. Nature. 544: 333-336
Berta-Thompson ZK, Irwin J, Charbonneau D, et al. (2015) A rocky planet transiting a nearby low-mass star. Nature. 527: 204-7
Boccaletti A, Thalmann C, Lagrange AM, et al. (2015) Fast-moving features in the debris disk around AU Microscopii. Nature. 526: 230-2
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Pepe F, Cameron AC, Latham DW, et al. (2013) An Earth-sized planet with an Earth-like density. Nature. 503: 377-80
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