Mykola Tasinkevych

University of Lisbon, Portugal 
"Mykola Tasinkevych"
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Ryabov A, Tasinkevych M. (2023) Mechanochemical active ratchet. Scientific Reports. 13: 20572
Ryabov A, Tasinkevych M. (2022) Diffusion coefficient and power spectrum of active particles with a microscopically reversible mechanism of self-propelling. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 157: 104108
Neta PD, Tasinkevych M, Telo da Gama MM, et al. (2021) Wetting of a solid surface by active matter. Soft Matter. 17: 2468-2478
Yuan Y, Tasinkevych M, Smalyukh II. (2020) Colloidal interactions and unusual crystallization versus de-mixing of elastic multipoles formed by gold mesoflowers. Nature Communications. 11: 188
Giacomello A, Schimmele L, Dietrich S, et al. (2019) Recovering superhydrophobicity in nanoscale and macroscale surface textures. Soft Matter. 15: 7462-7471
Uspal WE, Popescu MN, Dietrich S, et al. (2019) Active Janus colloids at chemically structured surfaces. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 150: 204904
Brooks AM, Tasinkevych M, Sabrina S, et al. (2019) Shape-directed rotation of homogeneous micromotors via catalytic self-electrophoresis. Nature Communications. 10: 495
Popescu MN, Uspal WE, Eskandari Z, et al. (2018) Effective squirmer models for self-phoretic chemically active spherical colloids. The European Physical Journal. E, Soft Matter. 41: 145
Sabrina S, Tasinkevych M, Ahmed S, et al. (2018) Shape-Directed Microspinners Powered by Ultrasound. Acs Nano
Yuan Y, Martinez A, Senyuk B, et al. (2018) Chiral liquid crystal colloids. Nature Materials. 17: 71-79
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