Michael Holynski

University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom 
"Michael Holynski"
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Vovrosh J, Wilkinson K, Hedges S, et al. (2023) Magneto-optical trapping in a near-suface borehole. Plos One. 18: e0288353
Nourshargh R, Hedges S, Langlois M, et al. (2022) Doppler compensation for cavity-based atom interferometry. Optics Express. 30: 30001-30011
Stray B, Lamb A, Kaushik A, et al. (2022) Quantum sensing for gravity cartography. Nature. 602: 590-594
Macrae CD, Bongs K, Holynski M. (2021) Optical frequency generation using fiber Bragg grating filters for applications in portable quantum sensing. Optics Letters. 46: 1257-1260
Zhu L, Liu X, Sain B, et al. (2020) A dielectric metasurface optical chip for the generation of cold atoms. Science Advances. 6: eabb6667
Zhu L, Lien YH, Hinton A, et al. (2018) Application of optical single-sideband laser in Raman atom interferometry. Optics Express. 26: 6542-6553
Vovrosh J, Voulazeris G, Petrov PG, et al. (2018) Additive manufacturing of magnetic shielding and ultra-high vacuum flange for cold atom sensors. Scientific Reports. 8: 2023
Meyer N, Proud H, Perea-Ortiz M, et al. (2017) Observation of Two-Dimensional Localized Jones-Roberts Solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates. Physical Review Letters. 119: 150403
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