Tai-Huei Wei

1992 Physics University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, United States 
"Tai-Huei Wei"
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Eric W. Van Stryland grad student 1992 University of Central Florida
 (Nonlinear Optical Absorption and Refraction Study of Metallophthalocyanine Dyes)
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Kuo YT, Liu PW, Huang PY, et al. (2018) Short-pulse-induced solute migration in the CHClO + 1,2 dichloroethane solution. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 149: 044304
Li YC, Kuo YT, Huang PY, et al. (2015) Thermal lensing effect of CS2 studied with femtosecond laser pulses. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp
Li YC, Lin HL, Huang PY, et al. (2012) Shrinkage of picosecond laser beam by plasma reflection in super-resolution near-field structure of SiN/Sb/SiN thin film. Optics Letters. 37: 2340-2
Shui M, Jin X, Li Z, et al. (2010) Solvent effect induced solute damage in an organic inner salt. Optics Express. 18: 27387-403
Wu CC, Liu TM, Wei TY, et al. (2010) Kramers-Kronig relation between nonlinear absorption and refraction of C(60) and C(70). Optics Express. 18: 22637-50
Li Y, Pan G, Yang K, et al. (2008) Time-resolved pump-probe system based on a nonlinear imaging technique with phase object. Optics Express. 16: 6251-9
Yang SS, Wei TH, Huang TH, et al. (2007) Z-scan study of thermal nonlinearities in silicon naphthalocyanine-toluene solution with the excitations of the picosecond pulse train and nanosecond pulse. Optics Express. 15: 1718-31
Wei TH, Wang CC, Wu TT, et al. (2006) Mass transport following impulsive optical excitation. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 120: 8031-8
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