Martin Kozák

Charles University, Prague, Czechia 
"Martin Kozák"
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Koutenský P, Slobodeniuk A, Bartoš M, et al. (2023) Ultrafast Dynamics of Valley-Polarized Excitons in WSe Monolayer Studied by Few-Cycle Laser Pulses. Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland). 13
Peterka P, Šobáň Z, Trojánek F, et al. (2023) High harmonic generation enhanced by magnetic dipole resonance in an amorphous silicon metasurface. Optics Express. 31: 6401-6410
Yousefi P, Schönenberger N, Mcneur J, et al. (2019) Dielectric laser electron acceleration in a dual pillar grating with a distributed Bragg reflector. Optics Letters. 44: 1520-1523
Kozák M, Trojánek F, Malý P. (2012) Large prolongation of free-exciton photoluminescence decay in diamond by two-photon excitation. Optics Letters. 37: 2049-51
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